thowby, a community business

thowby ثـوبـي

Posted on September 17 2024

thowby, a community business


From day one, thowby has been more than just a commercial business. That is exactly the way I envisioned this brand to take root and grow — a community of diverse yet like-minded people coming together to create a special little corner in the enormous world of fashion.


When the idea for thowby first came to me, it did not materialize as a business opportunity for profit. It was never about the financial gains. Instead, it was about building something that brings people together, something meaningful that would impact everyone involved. Every decision I made for thowby from that day on — whether it was about the fabrics we use, the designs we create, or the costs we absorb — was always with the community in mind. 



By community, I mean the entire sweep of our stakeholders from end to end — from clients, to vendors, to the companies we collaborate with, and of course, our very own in-house thowby team. Our journey is not about reaching the top alone; it is about bringing everyone along with us, step by step. And that is something I have never compromised on… and never will. 



That commitment has required me to go against the grain more times than I can count — because running a business in the fashion industry can be costly, with a new challenge popping up every few miles. Given how crowded (rather overcrowded)  the fashion market is today, it can be a real struggle to shape a brand that stands out beyond the noise, carving its own exclusive niche. 

I can proudly say that, with the help of our thowby community, this brand we all love and call our own has managed to create that distinction for itself as one of the only abaya brands that is balancing traditionalism and modernity with such finesse. 

thowby is a reflection of my commitment to doing business with heart, and it is something I feel deeply grateful for every single day. Whether it is the joy of helping someone find the perfect gift for a loved one or hearing stories about how a thowby abaya made a special moment even more meaningful, these experiences remind me why I started this journey.


I have always been guided by the belief that if you do what is right, if you make decisions that prioritize people and community, the universe finds a way to compensate. Sometimes it is through blessings, sometimes through a sense of fulfillment, and sometimes it is just the sheer joy of knowing you made someone’s day. At thowby, these moments have not been rare to come by.


Take our decision to offer free worldwide shipping, for example. Financially, it is a big commitment on our part. But it is important to me that every client, no matter where they are in the world, can experience thowby the way it is meant to be experienced — with joy. 


I will never forget the time a client from the UK wanted to surprise his mother with one of our abayas. He inquired about naqabs, which we did not have in our collection. Instead of simply saying, “Sorry, we cannot help,” I made it my mission to find matching fabric, packed it with the abaya he ordered, and covered all the shipping costs. Why? Because that’s what thowby is about… going the extra mile to spread love and give people these little moments of happiness. These are the connections that fuel everything we do at thowby.


It is not just about what we can do for our clients, though. thowby is a community business. Every interaction I have, whether it is with our fabric suppliers, the talented workers who help bring our designs to life, or even our clients, is rooted in a genuine desire to create something bigger than a transaction. I believe in building relationships that last, treating everyone involved with the kind of respect and care we each deserve.


So, as I look at where we are today, I cannot help but feel thankful. I am thankful for the clients who trust us with their special moments, for the vendors and workers who share our vision, and for the entire thowby community that continues to grow. 


There have been challenges, yes, but each one has strengthened my belief in what we are building. And I know that as long as we continue to operate with love, passion, and a commitment to our community, thowby will keep making a positive impact. 

Thank you for being part of this journey. I am so excited to see what the future holds for all of us. Together, thowby is making the world a little bit brighter, one abaya at a time.

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