A note from the founder

Hello Dear Reader,
As this is my first blog I would like to dedicate it to thank everyone that supported me in making thowby ثوبي a successful brand since its launch in 2017, especially my clients and my followers with special thanks to my family who supported me all the way.
Through my blog page, I am intending to share with you exciting topics such as my thowby journey, real life stories (about me and others), our latest news, abaya fashion, quote of the day, health, etc., and many more.
To be honest it has been a quiet journey full of hard work, dedication, and sometimes joyful tears, with a strong belief that the best yet to come.
This taught me that by relying on Allah with hard work and perseverance will get me to where I want to be.
When I was about to start my business I came across this quote:
“If you work really hard and you are kind, amazing things will happen” by Conan O'Brien.This quote was one of my very first post on my social media feeds such as Instagram @thowby and Facebook @thowby because I felt it resonated with me.
The nice thing about this quote is that when you read it you feel that it can apply to each one of us.
If we really think about it deeply we will find that this is what religion urges us to be. The combination of being kind and hard working would give amazing results when you truly apply them.
Thank you for reading my first blog.
Until my next one please stay well and always think positive.
But before you go, I would love to hear your feedback, or any suggestions, that you would like to share with me.
Best wishes.
Houda A.Rahman
thowby ثوبي Founder