Onwards and Upwards: Agenda for 2022

thowby ثـوبـي

Posted on February 07 2022

Beautiful Abaya 2022



With hope, ambition and a desire to revolutionise inclusive fashion, thowby is looking at an active year of modern style ahead. With you and for you. 

2022 comes bearing prospects of life, slowly but surely, getting into the groove of normalcy again. Despite the odds the pandemic had stacked against us, we are optimistic too about our business gradually reverting to regular operations. 

thowby sustained its vision of draping women with elegance in contemporary abayas all through the COVID impact. 

Despite of the challenges that we faced, we always believed that impossible is possible. With our strong determination, that we can overcome these challenges we were able to normalize our business operation steadily and firmly. We came up with new strategies to adapt to the circumstances and help leverage the business with a different model. 

As a woman-run business, thowby’s deep commitment to the cause of empowerment comes through in every abaya, crafted exquisitely to give its wearer the confidence she needs to achieve all she dreams of. 

thowby’s 2022 calendar is lined up with the release of exciting new collections and beautiful designs tailored to your needs of natural comfort and dignified taste. 

Our offerings, replete with variety in colour, fabric and design, showcase a blend of modern style and graceful modesty that celebrates the unique you.

Through brand awareness campaigns backed by a multinational approach, we also stand at the cusp of expanding our business beyond the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to KSA, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Australia, France, Holland, Belgium, Canada, Turkey, Egypt. 

We aspire for our message to be embraced by women across cultures, countries, religions, backgrounds, because thowby, truly, is for everyone. 

And for thowby, our clients are everything. Our customers stand at the centre of our world for us and servicing them with first-rate facilities - from the moment they enter our online boutique to after they shop with us - remains a top priority for us this year as well.  

New beginnings are ushering in new perseverance that will guide our upcoming ventures. With that motivation, we walk ahead into the future together, synergising tradition and progress. 

As the founder of thowby, I commit myself to making your experience with our label the best apparel experience you will have. 

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